Wilde Impressions
I love to use multiple exposure which is when an image comprises of more than one layer - sometimes of the same subject and sometimes to provide a backdrop to give more atmosphere for a different photograph I have taken. It is the most creative side of my photography and it’s something that I get the most satisfaction from. The whole creative process that is involved enables me to switch off whatever is going on in the world and just have fun with making something look like I want it to. Having spent most of my life in science, exploring this creative side is really important to me. I want to share this with you so please make sure you look at the provisional details of my new course at the bottom of the page. I am proud to say this fountain image has won 2 competitions including a camera club open category and it has been shortlisted for the Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year competition.
I know that some would say this wasn’t photography as it involves more time in photoshop than behind the camera, but I disagree. I usually take the image with the intention of doing some blending. If I don’t then it’s a happy accident I take a lot of photos and it is still my artistry. This, I think, is the most important part - photography is subjective, if you think it looks better in the way that you edit it then that, actually, is the only thing that matters. This is several images of a flamingo feather blended together in photoshop. I am glad I took these as my photos of the flamingos I took were, in my mind, not as evocative.
I was inspired to start making multiple exposures by photographers such as Pep Ventosa, Jo Stephen and Lynn Blount but the images I found my own style pretty quickly. I use photoshop for all my blending and I use many of the different blend modes depending on my subject. Have a look at the bottom of this blog and in my gallery and if you fancy learning how to do this consider one of my courses coming soon - details below
Multiple Exposure Taster Session This will be an instructional session using photoshop looking at how 5o make images of trees - Wednesday 11th October (evening) or Sunday 15th October (morning) - This will be £15
All courses will be small group and no more than 8 participants in order that discussion can be facilitated and images produced through ‘homework’ can be shared. They are group learning experiences and not ‘sit and listen’ courses, I have 20 years of educational experience and although this may feel scary it is the best way to learn.
Introduction to Multiple Exposure This will be 3 one and a half hour sessions and will cover 360/180 degree multiple exposures, The different blend modes and Architecture - Wednesdays 1, 8 ,15 November (evenings) This will be £70
Exploration of Multiple Exposure This will follow the same format as the Introduction to Multiple Exposures but will include and extra 3 sessions including Creating Softer Images, Capturing Movement and Combining Scenes - Tuesdays 9, 14, 21, 28 November and 5 and 12 December (evenings) This will be £130
The ability to book and more details about how the courses will run will be out in a couple of weeks but for any enquiries or notifications as to when the full details are available please do get in touch by clicking here